Barnard's Loop

Barnard's Loop

The Orion Constellation contains many deep sky wonders. This piggyback photo highlights the Nebulas. In the upper left, is the Rosette Nebula, which is located in the constellation Monoceros. The large red band, framing Orion's belt, is Barnard's Loop. The 3rd star, from the right, is Alnitak. This is where the Horsehead and Flaming Tree Nebula can be found. Due south of there is the Orion Nebula M42. Just above is the Orion extension or M43. Above that is "The Running Man" Nebula (so named by Jason Ware) or NGC 1973-75-77. This photo is a 35mm piggyback, Kodak PPf-400 unhypered, 50mm lens, 10 min. exposure, guided with ST-4.

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